Providing the Most Extensive Selection of Brands

We’re proud to work with a large number of high-quality, trusted brands that offer the latest hydraulic parts, pneumatic parts, and hose fittings in the market today. No matter the industry, it’s important to our team to always offer the most up-to-date product lines and have a wide selection of products stocked to ensure that we can provide the best selection of parts available when you need it.

We’re product specialists and it’s our mission to know the ins and outs of each product we carry, including part numbers and specs. That’s one of the unique advantages of working with Great Lakes Hydraulics – we provide all of the specs, including dimensional, pressure and temperature information for the parts we carry – information that can be difficult to find otherwise. If we don’t immediately have these details, then we’ll find it and get it to you quickly to help you avoid delays.

Have questions about any of the brands listed or looking for a specific part? Contact us today.